In a world of lazy remakes and cash grabbing sequels, it’s always refreshing to see the next notch in a franchise end up being unique and enjoyable. And we can gladly say that The Predator is one of those movies.
Browsing: scifi
Did you know I am an avid comic book fan and cinephile? Oh you did… okay. So then you should understand how blessed I am to see Avengers: Infinity War movie come to fruition. A decade long journey has come finally exploded its way to the big screen and right into my fanboy heart. Though the movie is obviously flawed, I cannot help not enjoy it. I am beyond satisfied. I was honest to Thanos moved.
Our journalist David A. Harris continues his cinematographic journey at the 2017 Fantasia International Film Festival. Here are his latest reviews for the movies he saw recently.
It’s here: the long-awaited « sequel » to Starpoint Gemini 2, Warlords, came out recently, and although the game still is a little bit rough on the edges, Little Green Men Games potentially has a great game in its hands.
Six. Has there been six books of the science-fiction universe The Expanse published, already? With the latest iteration, Babylon’s Ashes, James S.A. Corey (the nom de plume of Daniel Abraham and Ty Frank) could bring an end to a thrilling but sometimes too ambitious geopolitcal saga.